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Scattering in 1D disordered systems. Landauer-Model and Ohm’s law. Linear growth of resistance in 1D disordered systems.


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Klaus Kontaktfoto neu

If someone is interested in a complete analytical solution of the scattering problem described by the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with random potentials, one can find it in my diplom thesis. My diplom thesis is available in a German and in a partially translated English version. In my thesis a random equivalent of the famous Kronig-Penney-Model is studied and analytical formulae for all scattering properties are derived. The mathematical method developed to average the product of random matrices might be applied to other problems, which can be described by a product of random matrices, too. If you want to read or to download my thesis just click on the title pages shown below. Because of the restrictions to integrate figures in LaTeX at the time of writing the thesis, the hand drawn potential shapes of figures 1.1 and 2.1-2.4 are currently reproduced correctly only in the German version.





I especially want to call the interested readers attention to the point that a thorough investigation of the problem had shown, that for special cases of disorder (presumably correlated scatterers) a non-exponential growth of the resistance is possible, in fact the resistance might grow even linear with the number of scatterers, i.e. show the common ohmic behaviour of true 3D electrical conductors.


This is also what John B. Pendry in his review article Symmetry and transport of waves in 1D disordered systems (J. B. Pendry, Advances in Physics, 43, 461-542 (1994)) says, when he on page 535-536 writes:


“Many of the problems of waves in 1D systems are not only well understood but also easily accessible to quantitative calculation owing to the transfer matrix. Some problems remain to be addressed. Perhaps the most important of these is what happens if we abandon our assumption that separate slices of the system are statistically independent? Many systems derive their interest from such correlations, and in statistically mechanics it is known that correlations of a long-range nature completely alter the solutions. So far these systems have largely been neglected as we have concentrated on the uncorrelated systems but now is the time to look at them again.”


These were my words. I pointed to this fact several times in my thesis and my thesis contains all tools and formulae to perform the necessary calculations and I guess that correlated systems show a linear growth of resistance as worked out in chapter 4.5 of my diplom thesis, which is why I want to encourage everybody to do further research in this subject.


A Gaussian white noise distribution for the scatterers, which had been assumed by as far as I know all workers on this field in order to obtain analytical results for the mean resistance and its variance, does by no means represent any solid body and especially not any conducting solid, so nobody should wonder, that the resulting mean resistance does not obey Ohm’s law.


Quite contrarily a direct comparison of the resistance of the Kronig-Penney-Model (the ordered periodic case) and the disordered case indicates to my opinion that the oscillating resistance of the Kronig-Penney-Model for electrons inside the energy band might evolve to an ohmic resistance, if the periodicity is perturbed, i.e. a small disorder is introduced. Therefore I refer to tables 2.1 and 4.1-4.3 of my thesis.


To my opinion a quite good idea would also be to investigate the scattering properties of the models of


·    Lazo, E. and Onell, M.E., 2001, Extended states in 1-D Anderson chain diluted by periodic disorder, Physica B 299, 173-179.

·    Dunlap, D.H., Kundu, K. and Phillips, P., 1989,  Absence of localization in certain statically disordered lattices in any spatial dimension, Phys. Rev. B 40, 10999.

·    Dunlap, D.H., Wu, H.L. and Phillips, P., 1990, Absence of localization in a random-dimer model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 88.

·    Flores, J.C., 1989, Transport in models with correlated diagonal and off-diagonal disorder, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 1, 8471.

·    Wu, H.L. and Phillips, P., 1991, Polyaniline is a random-dimer model: A new transport mechanism for conducting polymers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1366.

·    Phillips, P. and Wu, H.L., 1991, Localization and Its Absence: A New Metallic State for Conducting Polymers, Science 252, 1805.

·    Wu, H.L., Goff, W. and Phillips, P., 1992, Insulator-metal transitions in random lattices containing symmetrical defects, Phys. Rev. B 45, 1623.

·    Sánchez, A. and Domínguez-Adame, F., 1994, Enhanced suppression of localization in a continuous random-dimer model, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 27, 3725.  

·    Sánchez, A., Maciá, E., and Domínguez-Adame, F., 1994, Suppression of localization in Kronig-Penney models with correlated disorder, Phys. Rev. B 49, 147.

·    Diez, E., Sánchez, A. and Domínguez-Adame, F., 1994, Absence of localization and large dc conductance in random superlattices with correlated disorder, Phys. Rev. B 50, 14359.

·    Domínguez-Adame, F., Diez, E. and Sánchez, A., 1995, Three-dimensional effects on extended states in disordered models of polymers, Phys. Rev. B 51, 8115.

·    Lazo, E. and Onell, M.E., 1998, Localization in one-dimensional systems with generalized Fibonacci disorder, Revista Mexicana de Física 44, Suplemento 1, 52.

·    de Moura, F.A.B.F. and Lyra, M.L., 1998, Delocalization in the 1D Anderson Model with Long-Range Correlated Disorder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3735.

·    Izrailev, F.M. and Krokhin, A.A., 1999, Localization and the Mobility Edge in One-Dimensional Potentials with Correlated Disorder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4062.


which had found extended states in disordered or quasi-periodic 1D systems.


I guess that all of these extended states correspond to a non-exponential increase of the resistance and some of them even correspond to a linear (or quadratic) growth of the resistance, i.e. show an ohmic behaviour. This guess is based on the fact, that I had already shown the possibility of a linear (or quadratic) increase of the resistance for special electron energies in the Kronig-Penney-Model with random potential strengths in my talk hold at the RWTH Aachen (p. 15ff.).


The supervisor of my thesis had been Prof. Dr. Ingo Peschel of the FU Berlin.


During and after the preparation of my thesis I had been invited to talks about my thesis by Prof. P. Erdös (Université de Lausanne), Prof. B. U. Felderhof (RWTH Aachen) and Prof. John B. Pendry (Imperial College London).


Just follow the links for the announcement and the full text of my talk in Lausanne and my talk in Aachen.


In a letter Prof. Felderhof recommended a publication of the results of my diplom thesis, which never took place mainly because I had not been allowed to write my thesis in English and I never had the necessary time for a translation.





In order to ease the understanding of my diplom thesis, I have tried to link as much of the cited literature as possible, so just click on a white or yellow marked article and the article will be opened in Acrobat Reader, if you have access to the appropriate online journal. The yellow marked links are considered to be most important for an understanding of my diplom thesis. According to German copyright law printed matter can be copied freely 70 years after the death of the author (§ 64 UrhG).


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Last updated: 03-25-2009.